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How and Why Humans are Being Phased into Cyborgs (Part 1)

How and Why Humans are Being Phased into Cyborgs (Part 1)

Slightly off topic, but sticking to the Human theme; this two-part post is designed to make sense of why our world is going through what it is today by helping to connect the dots.

Part one will present an idea of how our society came to be ruled by members of an ancient cult and the strategies used to enslaved us. Part two discusses how Covid-19 is being used to progress plans to eventually—potentially wipe us out. By knowing the endgame, we can sniff out the nonsense and be prepared.

What Are We?

We are a point of attention within infinite awareness.

We are expressions of the same consciousness.

We are having a human experience; operating within a tiny frequency band called light: a billionth of a pinhead compared to what exists in the universe.

We are all-knowing, all-possibility, all-potential.

We can equate infinite awareness to an infinite ocean of infinite possibility.

We give names to different oceans, but they are all the same body of water. We give names to people, countries, galaxies, stars and planets but they are all the same ocean of infinite awareness in different manifestations.

Identifying by name, race, job, religion and culture is not what we are—only what we are experiencing. When we leave the body, there is no end of awareness just an end to our temporary human experience. Everything you need to know but have never been told, David Icke, Conspiracy Researcher.

Sadly, over time, many of us have become disconnected and forgotten what we are, accepting the misconception of how life should be.

We are powerful beyond measure and the creators of this illusion know it. Let’s take a look at who controls our society.

Who Are They?

Members of an ancient cult. They are referred to as Blue Bloods, because of their RH negative blood type; Elites  or 1% due to nobility and unimaginable wealth; Cult or Cabal

They make up a very small percent of the population and have passed their power down from generation to generation through interbreeding. These families include: Rothschilds, RockefellersBush and the British Royals. They pull the strings of our governments/leaders to progress their agendas.

Some governments/leaders have no idea what they are a part of and contributing to. Agenda advancing activities operate heavily in parts of the world that dictate its direction including:

  • UK
  • France
  • Spain
  • Italy
  • USA and
  • Germany.

Why are they different from us?

Word on the street is: their genetically modified. Let’s go back a few centuries…

Human Subspecies

Serpent Gods, The Greys, Jinns and Archons; are some of the names given to a non-human force of alien and reptilian looking creatures. They’re on a mission to keep humans ignorant of their divine origins beyond the physical universe. 

David Icke goes into great detail about these extra-terrestrial beings, he says: We can’t see them since they operate outside of our frequency band. They have no energy source because they are disconnected from the infinite source. They feed off of low vibrational human thought and emotion. Through the manipulation of us, the more death, decay, hatred, violence and fear they can generate the more powerful they become.

They created a human subspecies by taking their DNA and transfusing it with a combination of different DNA types including monkey. This hybrid would be put on earth purely to control us.

Sounds like something out of a sci-fi film—I agree but anything’s infinitely possible!

What is their Endgame?

For a very long time they’ve been working towards replacing the human being with a synthetic/digital human. 

By connecting our brains to Artificial Intelligence via the Internet, we’d lose our memories and the ability to think for ourselves. As we speak, the Smart Grid/cloud is being prepared for: a technological sub-reality powered by 5G, 6G etc., to eventually centrally control everything including: vehicles, money, the smart gadgets in our homes, and our perceptions.

Human mind connections are scheduled to start taking place by 2030.

Whilst that’s happening, they want us to lose the ability to reproduce. The latest vaccine will include Nano chip technology for an internet connection to our minds, and include a sterilising agent to rewrite our DNA. The current pandemic is the excuse needed for another vaccine. In Part Two I go into the truth about the Covid-19 hoax. 

Part two also goes into how exposure to 5G radiation is potentially causing people to fall ill with lung complaints being passed off as Covid-19.

Everything needed to make these plans a reality has always been ready and waiting for hand over. Roll out has been staggered throughout time to give the perception of technological discoveries.

Now we’ll start to see an urgency for implementation as thanks to the internet, people have access to learn/share the truth—and put an end to it!

How have we been kept ignorant?

They’ve been using different methods to dumb us down. Here are 2 of them:

Control of Information

Our thinking and opinions are formed based on information received (Television, Radio, Internet, etc.). By controlling the flow of information our perceptions can be manipulated. Most of the media we consume is owned by one of ‘The Big 6’ media companies (Main-Stream Media: MSM). Our choices of media and entertainment belong to 1 of 6 conglomerates:

  • National Amusements
  • Disney
  • Time Warner
  • Comcast
  • NewsCorp
  • Sony

These mediums constantly churn out content to support the agenda. Whenever independent media say something different their content is removed, or they’re permanently silenced. This information is deemed fake news or conspiracy theory.

Divisions and Distractions

Magicians distract us by keeping our focus on something whilst they do what’s necessary to perform a trick. The cabal create groups/labels to distract and divide us— causing us to fight over things that don’t matter. These include:

  • Skin Colour
  • Culture
  • Religion
  • Class
  • Country etc.

A new division: mask wearers and non-mask wearers. Those wearing masks maybe angry at those not wearing one, thinking they’re selfish and will keep the spread of the virus going. Those not wearing masks may see mask wearers as contributing to the progression of an agenda.

The divisions will come thick and fast now in an attempt to prevent us joining forces. Let’s try not to fall for them by sticking together.

Keeping us in line

Problem, Reaction, Solution: is how authoritarian dictatorships govern millions of people. It’s a mass mind control strategy used to manipulate us into giving up our rights and freedoms in exchange for safety:


They want to change society; they create a problem/crisis, then get the main-stream media to tell us the version of the problem they want us to believe.


Our reaction is generally fear and wanting the government to protect us. We accept that something needs to be done or changed because of the problem.


The government will offer a solution—planned long before the ‘problem’ occurred. We exchange our freedoms and rights for the illusion of protection and help from our government. The change is permanent and advances the agenda.

The Climate Change Hoax

The Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax is a great example of this.  

Apparently, our planet is rising in temperature therefore causing an increase in natural disasters and erratic weather. We have been led to believe this through media constantly reminding us, and witnessing artificially generated floods, earthquakes, and hurricanes etc., created by weather manipulation programmes funded by the Rockefellers. We do whatever we’re told in the name of saving our planet.

Bill Gates says: we can sustain our planet by reducing its population via vaccinations. He openly admits this during this CNN interview. Bill also promotes vaccinations as a solution he said: ‘the faster we improve health the faster family sizes go down’—he presents his logic here.


So there you have it. We are being run by a bunch of reptilians and freaks whom despise us. All sounding a bit out there, however this version of how the cold-blooded hybrids ended up here in the first place and given the right to pull the strings has been around for a while: perhaps it’s not too far off the truth. 

Throughout time they have kept us oblivious to what they’re up to through division and distraction; keeping us in a comfortable prison. Isn’t it time we put an end to this enslavement?  How much more can we take? 

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Lorraine Bristol

Lorraine Bristol

UX Content Writer
I apply User Experience design principles to written online content for business prosperity.

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